– Creative and Intercultural Workshops on 08/11/2024 at the prison – 


We are pleased to invite you to the restitution of our creative and intercultural workshops which will be held on 08/11/2024 at the Daloa Civil Prison, in Daloa. This event will mark the enriching conclusion of our painting, beading and intercultural and social mediation workshops.

Event program:
– Painting Exhibition: Discover the inspiring works created by our participants, reflecting a diversity of styles and perspectives.

– Beading Workshop: Admire the unique and colorful creations resulting from the art of beading, a revisited traditional know-how.

– Intercultural and Social Mediation Session: Participate in discussions and exchanges on the themes of cultural diversity and social cohesion.

This event will be an opportunity to celebrate creativity, learning and intercultural dialogue.

Esperance de Vie promotes the mental and emotional well-being of girls/women in the Daloa Civil Prison through art and provides socio-professional skills.

These workshops for these women have enriched their daily lives through non-verbal communication. They have also developed skills, expressed their creativity and strengthened their personal well-being. They have allowed them to express their emotions and above all to feel free to express themselves without speaking. It was a way to create social cohesion among the participants.

Event details:
– Date: 08/11/2024
– Time: from 9 am to 12 pm
– Location: Daloa Civil Prison

We hope to see many of you to celebrate together the fruit of these workshops and strengthen ties within our community.

Kind regards,

Com Service.